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Stoner Metal

Stoner rock and stoner metal are the same term describes the sub-genre of rock and metal music. Stoner rock with a slow to moderate, down-tuned, and bass-heavy. Combining elements of psychedelic rock, blues-rock and doom metal into a style that is more repetitive and riff-centered. Other common traits include melodic vocals and the production of 'retro' This genre emerged in the early 1990s and was pioneered by the band Kyuss, Sleep.
Stoner pioneers, like their followers today, often share the characteristic that they are marijuana users, or "Stoners". While it would be too inaccurate to describe all fans and performers of styles and bands listed on this page as a user of marijuana, of course accepted that the effects of cannabis and the riffs are downtuned, slow, or psychedelic stoner rock complement one another - which eventually led to the use of general of the "stoner rock" to determine the genre, with "stoner metal" came into use later when the gravity and slow to appear. Stoner metal is often associated with marijuana use
Stoner rock is closely related to the "desert rock" term, which is used to describe stoner pioneers Kyuss, of Palm Desert California. While stoner rock is closely associated with desert rocks become synonymous, stoner metal is related but not identical with sludge metal and doom metal

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